
Advance your career with HARIOM PIPE INDUSTRIES LTD and elevate your professional journey to new heights! At HARIOM, we provide a platform for you to grow, learn, and excel in your career. Whether you are an experienced professional or embarking on a new path, we offer a variety of opportunities for you to explore and demonstrate your skills.

If you are prepared to propel your career forward and be part of a company that recognizes your talents and invests in your accomplishments, consider HARIOM PIPE INDUSTRIES LTD. Together, we can create a promising future and accomplish remarkable achievements. Your path to success commences here with us.

Our Team is Growing - Join us today

Sales - MS Pipes

Position: Area Sales Manager (ASM)
Location: Mahbubnagar, Chittoor and Nizamabad & Nirmal.

Sales – Scaffolding

Position: Sales Executive
Location: Hyderabad, Chennai and Bangalore.


Position: Branding Executive
Location: Perundurai – Tamil Nadu


Position: ERW Precesion Tube Mill Operator
Location: Balanagar Plant - Mahbubnagar


Position: IT Executive
Location: Balanagar Plant – Mahbubnagar


Position: Store Manager
Location: Balanagar Plant - Mahbubnagar

Accounts & Finance

Position: CA / Accountant
Location: Corporate Office


Position: Electrical Manager
Location: Balanagar Plant – Mahbubnagar.


Position: HR Executive
Location: Corporate Office


Attach a copy of the CV and cover letter that you would like us to review along with the latest photograph. Providing a cover letter with your application is optional.

If the qualifications match with any of the requirements, please send your resume to
