We have embraced a sustainable business model, aiming for superior performance and positive social impact. Through our CSR policy, we focus on providing education to the economically disadvantaged, enhancing health and wellbeing, promoting social inclusivity, protecting flora and fauna, and preserving national heritage and cultural sites.

In accordance with Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Amendment Rules 2021, Hariom Pipe Industries Limited (“the Company or HPIL”) has formulated its CSR Policy duly approved by the Board of Directors of the company. We strive to contribute to inclusive growth and sustainable development with an emphasis on the development of marginalised sections of society.

We have contributed a sum of ₹87.21 Lakhs towards initiatives aimed at supporting underprivileged children's education, promoting animal welfare, advancing the well-being of children, ensuring the sustainability of our environment, and providing healthcare services to the community.
